heroic poem


heroic poem 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a poem written in an epic style using lines of iambic pentameter.

heroic poem 近义词

heroic poem

等同于 epic

heroic poem 的近义词 4
heroic poem 的反义词 1

更多heroic poem例句

  1. Sometimes they do heroic things, sometimes they wish they could.
  2. Claret for boys, port for men, and brandy for heroes, according to Dr. Johnson, and Hitch went for the heroic.
  3. Hamas called the attack “heroic” and, disgustingly, tweeted out photos of the bodies.
  4. It is this kind of abstraction that leads to more mythology, more heroic narratives, more undertones of patriotic martyrdom.
  5. Some heroic volunteers, like Spencer, have joined the fight—but not enough.
  6. Again, she was present at the battle of Silan, where her heroic example of courage infused new life into her brother rebels.
  7. In his condemned cell he composed a beautiful poem of 14 verses (“My last Thought”), which was found by his wife and published.
  8. Sebastian Brandt died; counsellor of Strassburg, a lawyer, and author of a curious poem.
  9. And in his heart the name of the poem repeated itself with significant insistence: Unwelcome!
  10. They were still talking of the poem and the music, exchanging intimate thoughts in the language he could not understand.